Behind the Lens

All you have to do is open your eyes 
and see the miracle of beauty that surrounds each of us. 
Sometimes it’s hard because life is mostly made up of 
routines and responsibilities, 
but if you are able to step back 
and take a closer look, 
you’ll realize that the every day events 
and the boredom tasks 
are quite extraordinary and amazing. 

That’s why I love photography. 
It makes me 
and capture the moment 
I would have otherwise missed out on. 
It allows me to see that a wilting flower is the beginning of a new life, 
a pile of rotting compost is a possibility of a garden of delicious vegetables, 
and grandma’s uncountable wrinkles are actually beauty creases marked before the beginning of time. 

my name is Jenny 
and I love capturing the most spontaneous 
and genuine expressions that comes out of a person.  
I'm also obsessed with kettle chips 
which has tipped the scale a little further than I'd like, 
but hey, 
we only live once,
so let that once be amazing.